Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Break Up

I once heard, "Lovers will be excuse for the promises made during their relationships." It's so true. When you're in a relationship, you make so many promises, but how many of them have you actually kept?

About three months ago, I've gone through a really bad break up. Up until today, I'm not too sure how to deal with it. It sounds dumb, but I prayed myself to sleep every night, wishing that person will come back. A part of me knows that it won't come true. And even if it does, the essence of the relationship is gone. After the horrible break up, even if we were to get back together, how do you get over that awkwardness? How do you get over what your lover has done to you?  Don't you just wish there was some time machine that you just can reverse time?

I'm sure there's a lot of others going through this or have gone through this? How do you find faith in love again? How did you deal with it and move on?

In front of family and friends, I act like nothing happen because I don't want them to worry. But honestly, I feel like I'm dead inside. The other day, I've met this guy. In normal circumstances, he would have been perfect. He has all the qualities I look for in a guy, but yet I can't seem to be attracted to him. I wonder when I will be normal again...

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